Musicality of the body

Seeking to develop presence; to reveal a voice and body that is open and free, expressive and capable of communicating emotional truth thus bringing to bear our most authentic, vulnerable and creatively powerful state.

photo by Karol Jarek

This workshop is physical at its core and ensemble based.

An in-depth exploration of the relationship between body, voice, text and music.

Through a physical approach to performance training, we seek to reveal an honest and authentic body whereby revealing the performer’s inner life and enlivening the entire creative process. Every aspect of the work creates a deep sense of listening and responsiveness to the impulses that arise within one’s own body and from the collective ensemble. We will deepen the body-voice connection and explore how sound is derived and physically experienced. That through a flow of movement and breath we can awaken sound vibrations within the body resonating the bones and tissues creating a visceral understanding of the voice and awakening new possibilities for song, text and vocal improvisation.

This workshop contributes to the actor’s technique, dance, singing disciplines, musical and physical theatre by awakening a sense of internal and external rhythm, working with physical impulse, spatial awareness and focus. Each exercise will deepen the body’s connection to impulses and stimulus and gradually interconnect all aspects of the craft. The manifestation of the work is dynamic, contemplative and entirely musical.

- 2020 -
The reality of keeping your distance


Rafał Habel-Bloodgood